Free Guide: 3 Ways to Invest in YourSelf for Vibrant Health

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I  ❤️  Freedom!
Do you?

I was unconsciously trapped
on the not-so-merry-go-round
of the so-called “healthcare” system.

Are you stuck in the medical healthcare rut?
Do you yearn to be free of endless doctor appointments and prescriptions?
Do you wonder what kind of toll your drugs - both prescribed and over-the-counter - are taking on your body?
Years ago, I was unconsciously trapped on the not-so-merry-go-round of the so-called “healthcare” system – a system which, ironically, is modeled around illness and disease. While suffering from headaches, sore throats, acne, "unhappy tummy" and "achy body", I felt like I was being buffeted about, going from one doctor to another, receiving one prescription after another, going from therapy to therapy, without an understanding of what true health could be like.  It was frustrating and, frankly, a waste of time and money.
Somehow, by good fortune, I experienced an “awakening” when I became exposed to what seemed, at the time, to be a somewhat unconventional way to think about my health.  You’ve probably heard, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”  Well, for whatever reason, it turns out that I was an eager student, and, as I began exploring more and more what were previously uncharted waters for me, a series of influential “teachers” appeared for me.  It has been a rewarding process of understanding and growth, and I now consciously take intentional, proactive actions to create a life of abundant wellness for myself.
And I want you to know that you can do it, too!  Don’t settle for a life by default.  Live your life by design!
Seriously . . . that’s a thing!  I have custom-designed my “healthcare”, and I feel free!  It’s not a coincidence that I have not seen a doctor for an illness in over 15 years.  It’s by design.
Now . . . Are you a student, who is ready?  If so, perhaps I am one of your teachers who has appeared.
Are you ready?
Ready to be free?
Ready to live your life by design?
Contact me, and come vibe with our tribe!

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around fine-tuning the physical body,
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all the while, maintaining peaceful balance.

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