The Deeper Meaning Behind a Sore Throat

The Deeper Meaning Behind a Sore Throat

Continued from What's Up With Your Sore Throat? ...

Really?  How could this be?  What had changed in my life?

It hit me like a bolt of lightning!  I had found my voice.

Say what, Marie?   What are you talking about?

Ten years ago, during my process of becoming an Advanced Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, I had learned about Body Consciousness – that each part of the body has a consciousness, a role, a reason for being.

Consider your throat.   What’s located in and around your throat?  Well, for one thing, your voice box – your vocal chords.  You can see, then, that one of your throat’s reasons for being, one of its states of consciousness, is communication and expression.

When studying BodyTalk, I learned that a physical pathology in an area of the body can create a pathology in consciousness, and that the reverse is true, as well.  A pathological consciousness can create a physical pathology in that area of the body.

Ten years ago, I had come to understand that I did not have my voice, because I had, for many years, allowed various people and circumstances in my life, to shut down my expression of myself.

Equipped with that awareness, I allowed myself to transform from being "muted Marie" to a much more complete expression of myself, and I have come to know that, depending on the situation, even a conscious choice to abstain from vocal expression can the highest and best expression of myself.

Not having a voice, not having an adequate expression of my being, had made sore throats a recurrent theme in my life!

What an amazing journey this is.  So many doors opening to new understandings.

Now, with this glimpse into my world of understanding, you can see how a sore throat is not just a sore throat!

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What's Up With Your Sore Throat?

What's Up With Your Sore Throat?

When I was in middle school (way back then it was called Junior High), I started experiencing frequent sore throats, most often accompanied by sinus congestion, and, as such, I was sleeping with my mouth open in order to breathe … which made my sore throats even worse.

Now, who knows why this started happening more and more around those early teenage years.   Maybe I wasn’t sleeping enough (can you say FOMO?!), and, of course, I now know how important sleep is for the immune system. Did I care back then?  Heck no!

Also, around that time, although my mother prepared delicious and healthy food, using the babysitting money I earned, I was beginning to experiment with my drug of choice – food – and it wasn’t always healthy.  In fact, it usually came in a soda pop can or a candy wrapper.  Again (I’m oh so much wiser now), I now know that sugar and refined carbohydrate consumption suppresses the immune system.

When my sore throat got uncomfortable enough, my mom would take me to the clinic, and I would get tested for strep, and if I had it, I would get put on antibiotics.  So, I get it, that there may have been “bugs” that needed to be “taken care of”.  (Now, I know of other ways I would take care of “bugs”, but back then it was always antibiotics to the rescue.)

In the early 80’s when I started having kids of my own, I gained an interest in preserving my kiddos’ health and treating their dis-eases with nutrition and supplements. That’s when I began to learn about the importance of adequate sleep, as well as limiting sugars in the diet, if you want even a chance at maintaining optimal health.   I also started learning about vitamins and mineral supplementation, and I developed my own system of what my husband has always called my “potions and mixes”.  (He calls me a curandera.  Yeah, that fits.)

Yet, I was still experiencing sore throats.  Not nearly as many, mind you, but they were still stubbornly present a couple times a year.

But you know what?   Just the other day, as I was completing my morning meditation, I came to the realization that I had not had a sore throat for easily 10 years!

Really?  How could this be?  What had changed in my life?

To learn what was going on with me, read The Deeper Meaning Behind a Sore Throat .

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