I can’t even think of year, like this one, that has been so stressful to so many people. Everyone has been affected, though some clearly more so, or more egregiously, than others.
So many feelings … fearful, angry, frustrated, uncertain, abandoned, neglected, lonely, depressed, anxious, and on and on. Can you relate? And each of us has different conditioning, a different perspective, different life situations, and processes the “V” and the “V” and the lockdown and the restrictions … well, differently.
But no matter how you’re processing, most of these 2020 feelings (whether new-found or re-surfaced) are NOT comfortable. Am I right?
What if you could get more comfortable, release some of the gunky gunk you may have taken on in 2020, and reclaim your physical and emotional vitality?
I invite you to do just that! You can learn more here.
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