Beyond Intuition

Beyond Intuition
Beyond intuition is intentuition.

Have you ever heard of that?

A very skilled, knowledgeable, effective, and intuitive massage therapist first made me aware of that word and concept – the marrying of intention and intuition.

Allow me to share some of my experience ...

Back in 2009 and 2010, when I was studying to become a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, I felt really challenged (overwhelmed and freaked out, if I’m being honest!) when I learned that, in order to be successful, I would be required to “tap into” my intuition. It was during my immersion in BodyTalk studies that I learned that we are all intuitive. Every one of us. But I’ll tell you what … I sure didn’t feel like I was, and because I didn’t feel like I was, I didn’t trust my intuition at all.

Well, long story short, I came to believe that I did, indeed, possess intuition … once I took a leap of faith to just trust it. And once I began to trust it, so much opened up for me. I began to be guided to select certain supplements, or essential oils, or items at the grocery store, and I came to see it as me being led to select, or take some sort of action, or do, what was for my highest good, and for the highest good for all involved.

And then there’s the concept of “intention” – the purpose, the goal, the desired outcome – when it’s something more specific than the more general “highest good for all involved”. Without intention, energy is unfocused, having no direction, no purpose. Energy follows intention. In a sense, I think of intention as “asking” for, or envisioning, a particular outcome, situation, circumstance, development. You could also think of it as "requesting" a state of "beingness".

When studying BodyTalk, I came to know that whatever the mind believes to be so, becomes so in the body. The mind is very powerful. One of my reads a few years back, was Dr. Joe Dispenza’s You Are the Placebo:  Making Your Mind Matter, which led me to a daily, first-thing-in-the-morning, meditation practice, creating each day according to my intended outcome. And, more recently, I attended a personal development camp, and through several of the exercises we did, I came to know that asking for an intended outcome, somehow (don’t ask me how!) creates a wind-beneath-my-wings effect – a bit of oompf from forces unseen. That’s my story anyway … and I’m sticking to it!

So, now you have intentuition: accessing your intuition, as inspired and guided by your intention.

I find that I most frequently employ my intentuition, when I have a choice or decision to make around desiring a particular outcome. For example, if I’m feeling kind of low energy, I will approach my collection of essential oils with the intention of selecting the oil which will best boost my energy, and allowing my intuition (not having to know all the facts and the properties of any of the essential oils from which I’m choosing) to do the choosing. (Essential oils, especially, lend themselves to incredible results when selected using intentuition!)

And, I then trust that my choice is going to bring me my desired result.

And guess what? 
More often than not, it does!

So, tell me …

Can you see ways in which you are, consciously or unconsciously, using your intentuition?

If not, try utilizing your inborn intentuition. (Yes, we all have it!) Give it a go! Doing so will open up so many possibilities, get you unstuck, and make life oh so interesting!

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A Mother-Daughter Plant-Based Breakfast FIRST!

A Mother-Daughter Plant-Based Breakfast FIRST!
I feel really fortunate that my (adult, married) daughter is living nearby.  She and I have gotten into the very lovely habit of having breakfast together every week or two - once in a while at her house, but typically at my house.  Whenever I hosted, I would usually make some kind of egg and cheese omelet or frittata, and perhaps some fruit, or maybe even pancakes or cinnamon rolls … if we’re having a “treat”.

Well, she and her husband recently decided to explore going toward a more plant-based diet - not “whole hog” (so to speak), but in a relaxed-and-let’s-ease-into-it kind of way. And so, desiring to support my daughter’s diet choices, I decided to change up the plan for our upcoming breakfast - no more eggs, cheese, milk, cream, butter … not to mention bacon or sausage! (And, to make matters even more interesting, for years my daughter has had issues with beans, soy, tofu, and the like. That meant that even a bean burrito with guac was OUT!)

So, what did I do to figure out what to serve for our upcoming breakfast in a couple of days???

I made a post on Facebook asking for recommendations and suggestions … and, WOW, did my Facebook world ever step up to help a girl out!

I received so many excellent suggestions, and even several recipes. A lot of suggestions for avocado-toast, which I love!  Also, a number of suggestions involving eggs. (I have come to learn that the term, “plant-based” is a bit flexible, apparently.) And the suggestions involving beans or tofu … well, I wasn’t too sure about those, because of my daughter’s past issues with them.

The next day after receiving all these very helpful suggestions, was the day before when we were to have breakfast. I was very caught up in my work all day long, and I never got around to planning our meal … which, in all honesty, is pretty much par for the course for me

Nevertheless, I had about a 1-hour break in the late afternoon to go shop for several (potential) ingredients we could use for our breakfast. I went to the health food store, armed with some vague ideas about what I wanted to accomplish. A very nice store clerk helped me find all kinds of items, which were mostly unfamiliar to me. I thanked him, and he said, “No problem. These are the foods I eat all the time.”

When my daughter came over the next morning, we got to it!

First course
We started off browning some onion in avocado oil. Then she crumbled in the shelf-stable extra-firm tofu (turns out, she’s been doing ok with it!), and sprinkled in nutritional yeast and turmeric. We served this, dotted with a bit of Sriracha, with sliced avocado, sauerkraut and grapes.

Second course
We used a pancake mix (ok…not totally plant-based, but within tolerances), and to substitute for egg, we used a boxed “egg replacer” added to warm water, and for the milk we used oat milk. We served the pancakes with strawberries, “buttery sticks” (crafted from various plant oils) and maple syrup. Coffee with oat milk for our beverage.

The meal was yummo … from top to bottom!

The best part of all? We had a great time making it together! She taught me a couple of things, and I shared with her some of the suggestions I learned from my Facebook tribe.

I’m grateful to you (you know who you are!) for helping me figure this out … and of course there’s so much more to learn, right? 
And I’m especially grateful for my daughter and son-in-law for their exploration, which led me to mine.

At this point, I’m not sure how far I’ll go with a plant-based diet, but one thing is for sure – there are resources galore! You just have to take a moment to ask, and then listen.

What recent “exploration” have you embarked on, for which you asked, and received, valuable input from friendly, helpful people, who were willing to be a resource for your “journey”?

If you'd like to hear more from me, don't miss my blog posts!